Why should I consider having an elective check up? I feel fine now
Following chiropractic treatment you may feel:-
- Better than you have for a long while
- Back to your normal old self or
- Better than you were before you came to see us but still with varying degrees of discomfort or stiffness
When all is well there can be the tendency to fall back into old habits rather than following the preventative advice. Life is always about spinning plates and there always seems to be other more important things that may distract us from what we ought to be doing to keep as healthy and well as possible.
Many of our patients, particularly those with a history of musculoskeletal problems or whose circumstances mean they keep aggravating their condition, find that periodic elective check-ups and treatments are beneficial to keep them pain free and better able to cope with everyday activities. Many of our patients report feeling much more mobile with the occasional elective check-up.
An elective check-up is also our chance to modify any advice as our lives change. Please keep doing your exercises – anything is better than nothing even if you can not do them as often as you should.
It’s entirely up to you to decide if you want elective check-ups. Your chiropractor will advise on how often is best for you after considering such factors as any pre-existing damage, previous episodes, occupation / lifestyle to name a few.
Some of the benefits reported by our patients who have elective check ups
- Enables them to remain at work
- Enables them to keep doing the things that are important to them
- Enables them to play their favourite sports or pursue a hobby
- Enables them to enjoy their retirement to the fullest
However please do not feel pressurised into having elective care, the decision is entirely yours. If you choose not to have elective care or we consider it unnecessary based on your condition then we will be delighted to see you on an “as needed” basis.
If you require treatment and live in the Winchester and Hampshire areas then ring the Bradford House Chiropractic & Wellness Centre on 01962 861188 or Contact us now to book your elective check up appointment