We have decided to temporarily close the clinic. It has been a hard decision to make, but given the potential risks we feel it is the right decision.
In light of the fast development of the virus, and despite the increased hygiene safety measures we have implemented, the close proximity of our work is at odds with the government guidelines on social distancing. We want to be part of the solution to Covid-19, not part of the problem.
We are hoping to continue to treat NHS staff and other key workers, as we fear that those on the front line and working long hours will inevitably require help with acute pain in these difficult times. We are awaiting confirmation that we are able to provide this service.
For all our other, much-valued patients, we will be available on email (enquiries@chiropractic-clinic.com) or the phone (01962 861188) to give advice at any time during normal work hours. The phone may be diverted to Max’s mobile at times.
We are also in the process of enabling online video consultations using Zoom and Skype. Using this service, we will be able to provide you with advice, guidance and an exercise prescription following a case history and movement assessment. There will be no hands on treatment but there is still huge value in the advice we can give.
Please do email us to discuss how we can help on enquiries@chiropractic-clinic.com
We wish you and your family the very best of health and wellbeing in this difficult time.
Best wishes
Max Atkinson